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Run DO Node

Hardware requirements:

  • CPU: Recommend for Intel Celeron CPU series and above, core number 8 core and above.
  • Memory: Recommend for 16G And above
  • Disk: Recommend for 100G And above
  • Bandwidth: at least 100M upstream and downstream rate peer commercial bandwidth.
  • Disk standards: Common SSD or NVME medium - to high-end SOLID-state disks.

Software requirements:

  • Operation system:Run on CentOS 7 system and above.

Network requirements::

  • Open port 41516 and 41517

Version iteration(formal):

The v1.0.0 version of DO:

The v1.0.11 version of DO:

The v1.0.12 version of DO:

The v1.0.13 version of DO:

The v1.0.14 version of DO:

The v1.1.0 version of DO:

Version iteration(Test):

The v0.0.0 version of DO:

The v0.0.1 version of DO:

The v0.1.0 version of DO:

The v0.2.0 version of DO:

The v0.2.1 version of DO:

The v0.3.0 version of DO:

The v0.4.0 version of DO:

The v0.5.0 version of DO:

Configuring environment:

Before running the program, you need to modify some files to configure the environment in which the program will run.

  1. Download the main network program(don_v0.x.x_devnet), Put a program in a directory, make sure that the directory has read, write, and execute permissions and above.

  2. Modify the execution authority of the program.

 chmod +x don_v0.x.x_devnet
  1. Run the program. the parameter -m is used to enable menu, press 0 to exit the current program..
./don_v0.x.x_devnet -m             
  1. check the automatically generated directories and files under the current directory.


Document description:

File or directoryTypeDescription
certFolderStore the generated private key with the suffix ". private" as the private key file.
data.dbFolderstore database file
config.jsonJSON fileconfiguration file
logsFolderStore log files

Protect your private key Please backup and save the private key in the certificate

Serial NumberMenu itemsFunction
6Get Rewardsapply
7PrintAccountInfoPrint account
0ExitExit the program

1. Transaction

Press 1 to enter the transaction interface.

Enter your account address.

  1. The value of Base58 is the account address.
  2. You can scroll up, find the green font, right click to copy and paste the value of base58 .
  3. Don't copy and paste with [ctrl+c/v], because [ctrl+c] will exit the program.
input FromAddr: 12Gwpkli7bWgjcbmU2r1aFia1rUQJDVdoX

Enter the account address of the other party:

input ToAddr: 1vkS46QgjeM4sDMuljuJBiVkMQKY7ZTu8   

Enter the transaction amount, the range here is any number within your account balance range, and the input value is equal to the actual value, namely, the currency's number.

input amount: 999999

Enter Enter, If successful, The amount in your account will be deducted.

2. Stake

Press 2 to enter the stake interface.

Enter the amount to be staked,the minimum stake amount is 10000.

stake addr: 1DqtUoPjmd7xKPYbRGUBMEJhQFLK9breQ2
Please enter the amount to stake:

Enter Enter,The stake is completed.

3. Unstake

Press 3 to enter the Unstake interface.

Enter the Unstake account:

Please enter unstake addr:

Then display the staked utxo, paste it and enter it into the console:

-- Current pledge amount: -- 
utxo: 3f4607d9e1ca341b3bee45110eecd2aaf1be5bba60bbdfe3ca44d68afae1b570 value: 500000000000

Enter Enter,Complete the Unstake

4. Invest

Press 4 to enter the investment interface and enter your address.

1DqtUoPjmd7xKPYbRGUBMEJhQFLK9breQ2 [default]
Please enter your addr:

Enter the target address to invest in

Please enter the addr you want to invest to:

Enter the amount to be invested (minimum investment amount is 200)

Please enter the amount to invest:

Enter invest type (The default value is 0: investment in the network)

Please enter invest type: (0: NetLicence)

Enter Enter,Complete the investment

5. Disinvest

Press 5 to enter the solution investment interface.

Display the address list, enter the source address of the divestment

AddrList : 
1KhxmzTSTeX5r6o3f8RoBSFhPg91kVXWJ3 [default]
Please enter your addr:

Please enter the addr you want to divest from:

Please enter the addr you want to divest from:

Please enter the utxo you want to divest:

======================================= Current invest amount: =======================================
Utxo: 366afab7d3931ff5e17cfc25c2dcaf2cf382b8623f22a605c4acc9fbba611dde
Please enter the utxo you want to divest:366afab7d3931ff5e17cfc25c2dcaf2cf382b8623f22a605c4acc9fbba611dde

Enter Enter,Complete the Disinvest

6. Get Rewards

Press 6 to enter the application,Automatic claim amount.

Claim Addr : Claim Amount

7. PrintAccountInfo

Press 7 to print the account information.

Version: 1_0.0.0_d
Base58: 1DqtUoPjmd7xKPYbRGUBMEJhQFLK9breQ2
Balance: 0.00000000
Block top: 0

0. Exit

Type 0 and press Enter to exit the system.